When your toilet tank is losing water, the first thing that comes to mind is a leak. It can become confusing when you can’t find a leak anywhere. You have to keep in mind, however, that there could be a leak somewhere you can’t see.
The water from an internal leak can seep into the bowl, which is why it’s so hard to spot. Below you’ll find out how to detect internal leaks. We’ll also discuss ways you can stop them.
Toilet tank losing water but no leak? The most common explanation is that an internal leak is causing the tank to lose water. The most frequent reason for this is a flush valve system or faulty fill valve that malfunctions. The flapper may also need to be replaced.
My Toilet Tank Continues to Lose Water
You may be surprised to know that your toilet represents 30% of your home’s water usage. This percentage is even higher in large homes with a big family. If your toilet is leaking (https://codb.us/DocumentCenter/View/891/high_consumption?bidId=), you may be wasting up to 200 gallons in a single day.
In a single month, you could be wasting $70 on water waste. A leaky toilet has to be fixed immediately. Below are the reasons why your toilet tank continues to lose water.
Your Flush Valve System May be Malfunctioning
When your toilet continues to leak, you may have a defective or broken inlet valve. This part is also called the flapper. It is located above the flush handle. The inlet valve has a seal that prevents water from entering it. This seal can wear out letting water leak into the toilet bowl.
Faulty Fill Valve
The inlet valve connects to the plastic call in tank through the fill valve. When you have a faulty fill valve or plastic ball, the toilet bowl or outer tank receives overflow. The issue may be caused by a fill valve that is misplaced or broken.
Unlike internal leaks, external leaks are simple to find. Oftentimes you’ll see a wet area on the floor. To find the leak check the fill valve’s washer. You may also spot a leak at the base of the tank.
There could also be a leak within the walls. A supply line that is defective could be present. Experts recommend a new supply line once every five years.
Is My Toilet Ghost Flushing?
Have you ever heard the toilet flush on its own? Don’t worry, your home is not haunted! A ghost flush would be very spooky to witness, even in the middle of the night.
This phenomenon is called ghost flushing. It’s also called phantom flushing. This happens from a leak that is present between the flush valve and the flapper. This faulty seal lets water from the toilet tank and into the bowl.
Water could also be seen externally surrounding the tank. You may hear this type of flushing at random or continuously about every 5 to 10 minutes. If you notice that is happening too frequently like every two minutes, it means the issue is urgent.
Fixing the leak must be a priority to avoid water damage from creating a bigger problem.
How to Detect an Internal Leak
It is quite puzzling to deal with a toilet that continually loses water. Although the leak is sometimes hard to find, you have to do your best detective work.
Check the toilet bowl to see if you see flowing water. Perhaps you’re not able to see it with your bare eyes, but using a dye could help. The dye will easily point out if water flows into the toilet bowl.
Never hear of a toilet dye? It is a thing indeed! You can find toilet dyes at your local hardware store. They are actually free of charge. Just ask one of the clerks to help you.
You may also use a food dye if you have no other options. Simply pour the coloring capsules into the tank and let the dye take effect.
In a few minutes you can test the dye and observe two possible outcomes:
1. The dyed water remains in the toilet tank. This indicates that an internal leak is not present.
2. The water in the toilet bowl becomes gradually colored. This would indicate a leak is present.
This method will simply let you know that there is a leak happening. You then have to find out what is causing it.
Follow these easy guidelines to find where the leak is located:
1. Water normally fills the bowl through the fill tube and open flapper valve. You can find the fill tube just under the toilet bowl’s rim. Its role is to run the little jets of water that fill up the bowl after you flush.
2. The flapper drives the water flow that passes the siphon jet. It goes into the toilet bowl at its deepest level.
When there is an issue with the refill tube, the dye will leave stains on the side of the toilet bowl.
On the other hand, when the flapper is the issue, there will be no dyes around the bowl.
How Can I Fix my Toilet When it Loses Water Without a Visible Leak?
Even if you can’t see the leak, it cannot be allowed to continue. Each year, you can lose thousands of gallons of water. Plus, your utility expense will be much higher. Therefore, it’s a problem that needs an immediate fix!
Inspect and Replace the Flapper
A great starting point is the inspection of the toilet flapper. Most often, a flapper in the wrong position is causing the leak. Purchase a replacement flapper and get ready for DIY instructions. Fortunately, this is a project you can do yourself without the help of a plumber.
Since flappers come in different sizes, be sure to match your existing one. Normally, you’ll need a 2-inch flapper.
Follow These Instructions For Installing a New Flapper
To stop an internal leak that is going into your toilet bowl, you will need to possibly replace your flapper.
Begin with the steps below:
1. Remove the toilet lid
2. Take out the old flapper by reaching into the toilet tank. There’s no need for you to turn off the water supply at this point.
3. The replacement flapper should have different settings options. Set it at the highest setting. This will minimize the use of water. Alternatively, a lower setting provides a more forceful flush.
4. Secure the chain to the flapper and the flush lever. You are now done!
The following video is a helpful tool for replacing a flapper:
Fill Valve Replacement to Fix an Internal Leak
Purchase a fill valve replacement kit. They come with everything you need and are found in most hardware stores. To stop an internal leak, you may follow these steps:
1. With a wrench, take off the screw that holds the fill valve in place.
2. Inspect the fill valve for any defects and replace with a new one if necessary.
3. Make adjustments to the height of the valve. Be sure it is placed at least one inch past the water level.
An Internal Leak is Easy to Fix
As you can see, when you have an internal leak, there are easy solutions you can implement. It is certainly a simple DIY project. You won’t need any special tools or expertise.
By fixing this type of hard-to-detect leak, you will save lots of money on utility bills. There’s no need to call a plumber for this type of issue. There are plenty of resources online to help guide you.
With your best detective work, you’ll be able to spot the leak and fix it. It’s a DIY challenge worth tackling!
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