While it’s not technically a requirement to use plaster over drywall, because there are so many benefits to applying it, it is definitely something I would recommend doing, especially since doing so isn’t actually that difficult as once you know how apply it correctly.
While there are many different coatings you can apply over drywall to keep it protected and improve its appearance, plaster is among one of the best, and is a coating I have used to keep my walls healthy and durable for years now.
If you’re considering applying a coat of plaster over your drywall for your next DIY project, we’ve got the full breakdown of how you can do so right here, along with the reasons why you should consider applying it in the first place.
Plastering over drywall will only require you to have an idea of the type of plastering you think would look the best, and which type will last the longest, so it can be done incredibly easily, and comes with some amazing benefits too.
Benefits Of Applying Plaster Over Drywall
Design Choices
Plaster comes in a variety of different colors and aesthetic designs, whether it’s more traditional and contemporary, or a much brighter modern look, applying a coat of plaster is an easy way to customize a room just the way you would like it.
It gave us the perfect base for redecorating when we first moved into our new home.
Easy To Apply
Unlike a lot of other coating finishes, plaster does not generate any kind of dust which is hugely beneficial when you come to clean everything up after you’re done applying it.
Additionally, you won’t always be required to sand a wall before it can be plastered depending on its condition, and it will take much less time to use since you can apply a few layers before the bottom one has even finished drying, making it a quick and easy process without any cleanup afterward.
Even beginners like us could apply it without any issues!
While it may look flashy and appealing, this isn’t to suggest that plaster isn’t also strong when it comes to durability, because it certainly is, as long as it is properly mixed and applied.
This is due to water escaping the plastic mixture which results in a chemical reaction that makes the wall a lot more resistant to cracks, knocks, and any sort of damage.
Many people will also use a type of lath or backing to go behind the plaster which is designed to be incredibly sturdy and lend even more durability and resistance to the wall.
Resistant To Mold
Mold cannot grow on plaster because it is non-porous and lime-based, so it will not be viable to support microbial growth and can help protect the wall you apply it to from growing any mold within the cracks.
How To Apply Plaster Over Drywall
Step 1 – Choose A Type Of Plaster To Use
Since it is the finishing touch to drywall, it’s crucial that you take the time to consider what color and design you want the plaster to be, along with which type will work best with your drywall.
Most people will apply multi-finish plaster to a drywall since it is easy to use and provides a smooth coverage, but bonding plaster can also be applied easily.
Step 2 – Decide Whether To Sand The Drywall
Depending on the condition of your drywall, you might have to sand it before you start to apply the plastering because if the drywall is already in a poor and worn-out condition, it will affect how the coating looks too.
If you have old drywall that may be a little damaged or not in the best condition, lightly sand the wall and make sure to fill in any holes or grooves.
If the drywall is brand new, however, all you will need to do is tape all the joints using a small compound knife along with some all-purpose joint compound.
Apply this, and once it has fully dried after about 24 hours, even the whole wall out with some sandpaper.
Step 3 – Apply A Chemical Plaster Bonder
I would recommend using a plaster bonder to ensure the plastering itself remains firmly on the drywall.
Pick up a plaster bonding agent from your local DIY store, follow the instructions on the side of the tub, and make sure to always keep it far away from your skin and eyes.
It’s always a good idea to wear some protective gloves and glasses when handling a chemical plaster bonder, just to be on the safe side.
Step 4 – Start Applying The Plaster
Now that your drywall is ready, it’s time to start preparing the plaster.
Mix the clay plaster powder with just a little bit of water until the texture and consistency come out smooth and relatively thick, and then apply two coats right after one another onto one area using your trowel.
Once both coats have been applied, let them dry completely which should take between one to three hours, and then spray some water onto the coating and press the trowel down onto the surface to compress the finish and make it even sturdier.
Step 5 – Continue Spreading The Plaster
Keep applying the plastering all over the drywall, and always keep in mind that you should have coats that are around 3/16 inches thick.
This is the optimal measurement that ensures the plastering is thick enough to remain strong and durable so that you can receive all the possible benefits from using it.
The rule of thumb is that you should always apply at least two coats over a drywall, but if you still spot any glaring dents or grooves after the second layer, feel free to add a third or even a fourth depending on how thin your mixture is.
Once you know how to do it properly, applying plaster over drywall is very easy and can be done in little to no time, and considering just how many benefits come from using it including creating a more appealing design and adding extra durability, there really aren’t many reasons not to at least experiment with plastering if you’re curious.
Remember to always check how old your drywall is beforehand so that you can decide the type of plastering you’re going to need, and how many layers you should be applying.
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